################################################################### # unbound-adblock 0.5 OpenBSD Installation Instructions # Copyright 2018-2021 Jordan Geoghegan ################################################################### ################################################################### # Table of Contents: ################################################################### * Unwind Configuration Notes * Fresh Install Instructions * Post Install Notes ################################################################### # Notes: ################################################################### 1) This guide assumes you know how to setup unwind. If not, there are plenty of online guides to setting up unwind. OpenBSD Unwind Quick Start: # rcctl enable unwind # rcctl start unwind # echo 'supersede domain-name-servers;' > /etc/dhclient.conf # sh /etc/netstart ################################################################### # Fresh Installation Guide ################################################################### 2) Download script: $ ftp https://geoghegan.ca/pub/unbound-adblock/0.5/unbound-adblock.sh 3) Create a new user (we'll call ours "_adblock"): The user should be created with a default shell of "nologin", home folder set to /var/empty/ with no password specified (disables password logins) # useradd -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/empty _adblock 4) Install script with appropriate permissions: # install -m 755 -o root -g bin unbound-adblock.sh /usr/local/bin/unbound-adblock 4.b) OPTIONAL: Install RipGrep and mawk for greatly improved performance: Note: RipGrep is not available on all CPU architectures, use ggrep if affected. # pkg_add ripgrep mawk 5) Create required files: # install -m 644 -o _adblock -g wheel /dev/null /var/db/unwind-adblock.db # install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755 /var/log/unbound-adblock # install -o _adblock -g wheel -m 640 /dev/null /var/log/unbound-adblock/unbound-adblock.log # install -o _adblock -g wheel -m 640 /dev/null /var/log/unbound-adblock/unbound-adblock.log.0.gz 6) Give user '_adblock' strict doas permission for the exact commands the script needs run as superuser. NOTE: Unlike 'sudo', _ALL_ users must be explicitly granted permission to use doas, even the root user. Note: unbound-adblock 0.5 errata 004 changed the doas permissions to be less permissive and more portable $ cat /etc/doas.conf ... permit root permit nopass _adblock cmd /usr/sbin/unwindctl args reload ... 7) Add blocklist to unwind.conf: # vi /etc/unwind.conf ... block list "/var/db/unwind-adblock.db" log ... 8) Run script manually to parse and load the adblock ruleset: # doas -u _adblock unbound-adblock -o unwind -O openbsd unwind(ok) 10) Edit _adblock users crontab to run unbound-adblock every night: # crontab -u _adblock -e ... ~ 0~1 * * * -s unbound-adblock -o unwind -O openbsd ... NOTE: If you're running an OpenBSD release older than 6.7, you'll have to use a workaround: ... @daily sleep $(echo $((RANDOM\%7200+1))) ; unbound-adblock -o unwind -O openbsd ... --- Please see the crontab(5) man page for further info Yay! unbound-adblock is now installed! With the nightly cron job, the list will be regularly updated with the latest known bad hosts. Please read the man page for information on how to configure unbound-adblock. The manpage can be found here: https://www.geoghegan.ca/pub/unbound-adblock/0.5/man/man.txt To receive notification of new unbound-adblock releases and updates please send an email to 'announce@geoghegan.ca' with a subject line and body of "subscribe unbound-adblock" ################################################################### # Post Install Notes: ################################################################### X) To add custom rules or enable features, or add alternate blocklists, See the "User Configuration Area" located at the top of the script. This area serves as a built in config file, so please feel free to edit it and experiment with all the features available within. --- Note: Most options can also be configured from the command line X) Regarding Cron Jobs: Over the past year I've noticed a number of list host servers going down at midnight in populated timezones (ie West Coast, East Coast and Western Europe). To be respectful (and to avoid overloading list providers servers) we have cron jobs scheduled to run at a random time within a defined interval. --- With the new default cron job, unbound-adblock will be run every night at some point between midnight and 2AM, and thus distributing the load of thousands of queries from numerous users over a 2 hour period rather than a matter of seconds. X) If you are trying to use very large blocklists, you may need to increase the users limits in /etc/login.conf. You may also need to increase the number of available file descriptors. X) If you would like to update unbound-adblock blocklists at a more frequent interval you can use a modified cron job: --- It is essential that you make use of the crontab randomization feature to ensure use of unbound-adblock remains respecful of blocklist provider resources. --- The following example runs unbound-adblock every 3 hours at a random minute (this avoids flooding the server with traffic at exactly XX:00) --- Run unbound-adblock every 3 hours Example: (you can change '/3' to '/4' to run every 4 hours) Note: Use of the '-s' switch prevents 2 instances of unbound-adblock from being run at the same time - which is a good thing. # crontab -u _adblock -e ... ~ */3 * * * -s unbound-adblock -o unwind -O openbsd ...